As with my 2012, 2013, and 2014 Year in Review features, this feature looks back on a year of music with a summary of the highlights. This year, I attended about 50 shows, with hundreds of different sets of incredible talent and music to make sense of, not to mention trying to keep up with all of the studio releases from artists, new and old. This is my attempt to (subjectively) share my favorites of the year, from live shows to new songs and albums. You can also check out my Top 100 Concert Photos of 2015 in that separate article.
2015 couldn’t have been better for me in my personal life, as I married my beautiful wife, Shelley, on the beach in Maui in September (hence no concert reviews in September), so it was an incredible year for me in many ways (we got engaged at a Pet Shop Boys concert in 2014 – I proposed before the show in front of Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, and Neil even took a photo of us)…
The music highlight of the year for me was having an opportunity to sit down with a real music legend, Darryl “DMC” McDaniels of Run-DMC, who (along with Beastie Boys in supporting role) put on the first concert I’d ever seen at about 14 years old. You can check out my interview here: LINK
And special thanks to Down and Outlaws for graciously performing at my concert photography exhibit at The Press Club in Monterey!
Obviously, the lists that follow below are a reflection of my personal, subjective tastes, so all are truly about the kind of music that most moves and inspires me. I have a pretty broad taste in music, but I think what I like the most is reflected by my choices. I’m sure I missed some awesome new music completely (I always do and find it right after publishing this feature).

Top 10 Concerts of 2015
So basically, this is a very personal list based on the nearly 50 concerts I attended in 2015. It was another awesome year for concerts, and there were no bad shows in the lot (though a few bad audiences).
1) Billy Idol (Grand Sierra Theatre | Reno, Nevada | August 7, 2015)
Billy Idol is, in my eyes, truly a legend and icon in music, going back to my youth. He’s remained one of my favorite live shows over the years, and while I’ve seen him many, many times, the show in Reno in August was my favorite to date. Fueled by his new album, Kings & Queens of the Underground and his awesome band, it was an electric show (and the relaunch of the newly renovated concert space at Grand Sierra Resort and Casino).
I also had an opportunity to bring my wife and sister along, and we got to meet Billy Idol and Steve Stevens following the show, which was fantastic.
For me, this show was what rock and roll and live music is all about. Show of the year.
2) Aerosmith (Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at Harvey’s | Stateline, Nevada | July 3, 2015)
Speaking of legends, Aerosmith certainly rank at or near the top in all of rock and roll, and this show in Lake Tahoe was the best I’d seen them.
Unlike indoor sports arenas, it felt more appropriate to experience Aerosmith outdoors (in this case at the Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena) and feel the music fill the air.
My wife and I were lucky enough to have seats dead center in the second row at the end of the catwalk, and it was an unforgettable experience. Mega devotee or casual fan, it would be hard for anyone to argue that Aerosmith put on one of the best live shows in music today; they are that gifted and seasoned, with the catalog of classic songs to back it up.
3) Wolf Alice (The Chapel | San Francisco, California | October 15, 2015)
2015 was, for me, the year of Wolf Alice. They put out the best album, hands down, and their live show measures up (I actually saw them three times: at Popscene in March, at The Independent in May, and at The Chapel in October). Having seen them pre and post release of My Love Is Cool, I also got to see them evolve and grow as a band, and it was truly something special to witness.
Impressively, they are able to faithfully recreate their complex studio sound on stage, and each member is equally skilled and gifted in bringing that music alive.
The last show at The Chapel was my favorite, as it was the last stop on their U.S. tour and a celebration of sorts as they came into their own as a band over 2015. Definitely my favorite new band to come along in years and I see tremendous success in their future.
Special shout out to my best friend from grade school, Michael Cecchettini (follow him at TOKYOFIRESF) for coming along and helping with managing my camera gear at The Chapel show!
4) The Ting Tings (Popscene at Rickshaw Stop | San Francisco, California | January 23, 2015)
I’m a huge fan of The Ting Tings (I named Sounds from Nowheresville my favorite album of the year in 2012 and Super Critical #3 on my 2014 list). 2015 was their first tour since 2012, so also one of my most eagerly anticipated. They did not disappoint. I actually saw them at their two NorCal shows, at Popscene in San Francisco and then Harlow’s in Sacramento. I had plans to see them more, but their tour dates were canceled, unfortunately.
They were better than ever, putting on really jumping and electric shows. An added benefit was an introduction to their supporting band, KANEHOLLER – I became an instant fan.
As an added bonus, I provided images to the band for this tour promo from the two shows I photographed:
5) Dave Gahan & Soulsavers (The Theatre at Ace Hotel | Los Angeles, California | October 19, 2015)
Depeche Mode is my all-time favorite band, so I’m always interested in any new projects by the principals. This album and project allows Dave Gahan to explore new territory, and provides a look at the Depeche Mode front man from a different perspective.
The musical style (soulful, gospel, blues, rock) with an emphasis on Dave’s vocals was really something to experience live. In a relatively intimate setting at a theater in L.A. (as opposed to the massive stadiums in which I followed DM’s tour in Europe in 2013), the venue was a perfect fit for the show that took place.
In a fittingly dark setting, it was interesting to watch Dave “play” with his dark shadow cast across the wall stage right.
As a Depeche Mode fan, it was really an incredible experience and one that I won’t forget. Hopefully Dave will keep exploring other artistic paths such as this one.
6) Martin Gore (SOhO Restaurant and Music Club | Santa Barbara, California | June 27, 2015)
It was an off year for Depeche Mode, but I had an opportunity to see both Dave Gahan and Martin Gore do completely different live shows apart from the band. With Martin, it was a DJ set at a small club in Santa Barbara – so intimate it makes Dave’s theater show in L.A. look like a stadium by comparison. I got to watch Martin do his DJ thing from just a few feet away, and it was pretty captivating. Having seen it prior to Dave’s soulful crooning with his Soulsavers project, there could not be much greater of a contrast between the very different creative forces behind Depeche Mode.
As an added bonus, many in attendance got to briefly meet Martin Gore, so it was quite a special night.
7) Morrissey (San Jose Event Center | San Jose, California | July 25, 2015)
Morrissey is one of my all-time favorite artists, and I had the opportunity to see two of his live shows in 2015. After some struggles in recent years, he’s really in top form on stage today – seemingly happy, excellent performances, best band ever… it is an awesome time to be a fan.
Both this and the show at The Masonic in San Francisco were incredible, but I chose this one as my partner in crime (my wife) was with me for a date night on this one. But in terms of show, both were equally top notch.
8) Howard Jones (City Winery Napa | Napa, California | October 9, 2015)
Howard Jones is one of the most important artists to help shape music in the 80s, so I’ll always give him much respect for his contributions to the music that is a huge landscape in the soundtrack to my life. I’ve seen him live several times, and twice in 2015 (the other being a traditional “electric” show at Harlow’s), but this special engagement at City Winery Napa was an experience unlike any traditional concert.
Billed as “The Songs, The Piano, and The Stories”, it was a first-hand look into his life (and mind!) and his fascinating career in music. Half stories, half acoustic music, it was Howard Jones as you never knew him, or heard him. Truly a special night, in a beautiful setting.
9) Florence + The Machine (The Masonic | San Francisco, California | April 8-9, 2015)
I’ve seen Florence + The Machine a few times over the years (in vastly different settings, from the Mondavi Center at UC Davis to the Hollywood Bowl), she has different on stage styles depending on the venue. With new music via How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, Florence had a lot of new material to play with in this two-night engagement in San Francisco (she famously broke her foot at Coachella the following week). I got tickets to both shows and photographed one. There is no one like her, and her songs could not be better crafted to fit her unique vocal gifts.
10) English Beat (City Winery Napa | Napa, California | October 8, 2015)
My summary from my review made at the time sums up my feelings on this one:
“If how good a performance makes you feel while it’s happening was the only criteria for ranking a live show, I would have to say that this English Beat event was the concert of the year, and definitely the best I’d ever seen them, from the energy to the sound to the venue and atmosphere to the crowd, it all just came together beautifully. I’m actually now worried about seeing them again in the future, as it would be hard to measure up to this one show. Outstanding.”

Top 10 Albums of 2015
1) Wolf Alice – My Love Is Cool
My Love Is Cool is not just the album of the year, but the album of the past few years. Brilliant work; every song is a gem.
So of the 13 tracks on the debut album, 10 of the songs are all-new, which is super exciting. And those that appeared elsewhere first have been re-recorded (and the full album versions are superior, in my opinion).
But… I can’t recommend enough buying their two single releases (featuring a pair of songs each) and two EP releases (with four songs a piece), as the music is amazing, and taken collectively encompasses 12 tracks, so it is like a full album of music on it’s own.
Their songs are each very distinct, stand-alone works that are quite diverse, but with the band’s unique signature. Some fast, some slower; some rocking, some a bit more lo-fi. But pop drives all of it on some level, making it all highly infectious.
Wolf Alice is one of those rare bands who instinctively weave those hooks and riffs and beats and catchy choruses throughout their songs.
I definitely rank them among artists who, in my opinion, are the best of new and emerging bands of the past few years.
I was really astounded at how much range and versatility is on display with My Love Is Cool – from song to song, there is so much originality and variety. You can check out my detailed track-by-track review of the album in my review of their last show on the U.S. tour last year here: LINK
In any event, I can’t recommend the album enough… if you buy one album this year, get My Love Is Cool.
2) Dave Gahan & Soulsavers – Angels & Ghosts
I’ve written at length about my relationship with Depeche Mode (my favorite band) and their music, and my history and connection with it. A very personal thing. Given that Dave Gahan literally died in 1996 from drug use (and was brought back), I feel like every artistic work that comes from him is that much more of a gift.
Somehow, as he grows older, his voice and the passion fueling it matures and improves more with each new project. There is such complexity and soulfulness that he channels through his instrument. I think the history of Depeche Mode has put limitations on how people view him as an artist, so I am so thrilled to see that he has found a way to break new ground with this fantastic group of artists and Angels and Ghosts.
There is definitely a style and consistency framing the album, song to song, with Dave being the showcase within each song. He has always had a way to make lyrics sing in a special way, and with Soulsavers, I think what Depeche Mode did with Songs of Faith and Devotion serves as a kind of foundation to build upon.
Each song on this album has real power, and should really be played loud and on a quality sound system (or quality headphone) for the full effect.
3) Duran Duran – Paper Gods
The album cover art itself is a bit puzzling at first glance, but it is in fact a kind of puzzle… designed by Alex Israel, it has what appear to be stickers that represent iconic images from the band’s history – the telephone and cap from “The Chauffeur”, the lips from Rio, a champagne glass from “Girls on Film”, the tiger from Seven and the Ragged Tiger, the ice cream cone from “Perfect Day”… again, the band is self-reflective and celebrates the iconography that they have created over the years.
Duran Duran is one of a handful of bands who I’ve been with for a long time wherein I don’t “worry” about a new album coming… with so many favorite artists, they can never manage to match up (or come close to matching up) to their peak material. Duran Duran are one of the few bands I can think of who have consistently released stellar work across decades with no “hiccup”. Somehow, they always seem to kill it, and with Paper Gods, I think they’ve recorded songs truly on par with their best work. It’s phenomenal, start to finish.
This work definitely takes them on an electronic path, with not much happening acoustically apart from some well-place string arrangements on a few of the tracks. But there is a finely crafted framework holding it all together and giving it a direction (and a beginning, middle and end). It’s probably their most contemporary and forward-oriented work since they emerged as pioneers in New Wave at the start of that movement. That New Wave/80s sound has a resurgence with younger, emerging artists today, so it’s kind of like contemporary music is finding Duran Duran as an influence, and Duran Duran is reaching past the present into the future to create something that has a timeless quality but is a challenge to place because it touches on so many musical styles while sounding very fresh and new.
You can check out my track-by-track review of the whole album as part of my concert review article: LINK
4) New Order – Music Complete
New Order was one of my favorite bands growing up, and for me, Technique was the band at their best. Sure, there were older (“classic”) songs that I liked better than some of the songs on Technique, but as an album, they seemed to be hitting on all cylinders and at the peak of their abilities and ability to work together.
Since, there has been a lot of strife between Peter Hook and the rest of the band (Peter Hook was kind enough to grant me an interview and talk about some of this). I like and respect both “sides” and hope all involved find happiness and success in their careers and personal lives. So I’m always eager to see any involved find success, and approach their activities with an open mind.
Having said that, when I heard that New Order (sans Peter Hook) were putting out a new album, I set my expectations low. Since Technique, I’ve loved specific songs but found the output to be somewhat mixed. Their last album (not counting Lost Sirens), 2005’s Waiting for the Siren’s Call, had a few cool songs but didn’t inspire me to revisit it much.
The new album, Music Complete, shockingly is their best album since Technique. It’s too fresh for me to make any substantive comparisons this soon, but I’m really taken about at how excellent Music Complete is – I love it.
I didn’t think that the band had all this in them, but with this release, I’m quite fascinated to see what they do in the future.
For me, it is built on the Technique foundation, in terms of style, while borrowing from their later works as well as side projects (especially Bernard Sumner and Johnny Marr’s Electronic, which I was a huge fan of).
In any event, I can’t recommend enough checking out this album. Absolutely one of the best of 2015, and they best from New Order since 1989)
5) Grimes – Art Angels
Grimes. I’d never even heard of Grimes before 2015. Stage name for Claire Elise Boucher, it certainly isn’t the sort of name to inspire one to look further into it. But what an album. Wow! End to end, an incredible work. So much variety and inventiveness on display, it is such an impressive work.
6) Florence + The Machine – How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
Florence + The Machine have a penchant for every song and album to just ooze quality and originality, and this latest work is no exception. With each album, they seem to achieve more and more refinement, and an uncanny ability to skillfully channel all that raw emotion and power.
7) Meg Myers – Sorry
I’ve been a huge fan of Meg Myers since I first saw her perform live (opening for the Pixies at the El Rey in Los Angeles in 2013), and I even named her “Adelaide” my #1 favorite song of 2013. 2015 saw the release of her first studio album, Sorry. Quality through and through, and definitely one of my favorites of the year. She has a solid consistency with maintaining her unique style, tone and attitude while coming up with catchy (though darker) songs. I had an opportunity to see her live twice this year (as part of Live 105’s BFD festival and headlining her own show at The Boardwalk). Definitely one of the most talented young singer-songwriters active today, I look forward to her future work.
8) Foals – What Went Down
I am new to Foals in 2015, and they actually won me over with their appearance at Live 105’s Not So Silent Night 2015 appearance, which inspired me to fully explore their works. Along with Halsey, they really stood out to me as an artist destined for bigger and better things in the coming years. I love their sound and unique approach to crafting songs. The album really draws you in and paints an interesting sonic landscape and an unpredictable journey.
9) MS MR – How Does It Feel
I was a huge fan of MS MR’s first album, Secondhand Rapture, and even named it my favorite album in 2013. Another great album from the duo!
10) Metric – Pagans in Vegas
I’ve been a fan of Metric for some years and they have never disappointed me. They have such a distinct sound palette yet always come up with a new approach to crafting music. This work is full of gems, and I’m really excited to see how it impacts their upcoming live shows in 2016.

Top 10 Songs and Favorite 50 Songs of 2015
These are my 50 favorite songs of 2015 – either released on an album that came out during 2015 or released as a single in 2015.
The first ten are my Top 10 favorites, in order (#1 being best), 11-100 are simply listed alphabetically by song title. My only self-imposed restrictions: 1) limiting any one artist to one song in the Top 10 and 2) NOT allowing myself to choose a song that was released on a 2015 album if it first appeared on an EP or as a single prior to 2015… which is still problematic for my #1 choice, “Moaning Lisa Smile”, as it was released on the 2014 Wolf Alice EP Creature Songs – but only in the UK (not my territory, the USA, until 2015).
1. “Moaning Lisa Smile” by Wolf Alice
“Moaning Lisa Smile” is the song that will likely always be the first associated with the band, and perfectly encapsulates their energy and style. It’s their “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, more or less. As mentioned in my full album review, it fuses modern day music with nostalgia, reminding me of Nirvana, Throwing Muses, Cocteau Twins, and other favorites. Catchy pop-oriented rock and roll is one of the most difficult feats to pull off, but Wolf Alice have done it better with this song that others who have tried in the past 20 years. An instant classic.
Wolf Alice Runner-Up: any song from My Love Is Cool – it is all amazing
2. “Adventure of a Lifetime” by Coldplay
Ah, it kills me. One of my very favorite bands (who even in part inspired me to start this website and rock and roll photojournalism) have released two new studio albums in 2014 and 2015, and I don’t like either of them. I haven’t even made it all the way through Ghost Stories and I’m struggling to get through A Head Full of Dreams as well. Having said all of that, I absolutely LOVE “Adventure of a Lifetime”. Brilliant song, and I just can’t get enough of it. I just wish more of the rest of the new songs were like this one. I can hear guitar, “real” drums, and bass as well, so that helps. Love it.
Coldplay Runner-Up: “Hymn for the Weekend”
3. “Venus Fly (feat. Janelle Monáe)” by Grimes
This is my favorite song off of the fantastic album – so many changes and fast beats, it’s like candy for my brain…
Grimes Runner-Up: “Scream (feat. Aristophanes)”
4. “What Kind of Man” by Florence + The Machine
Definitely the most powerful song of 2015, yet it is somehow catchy and poppy too. How does she do it? She channels passion and emotion like it’s her super power.
Florence + The Machine Runner-Up: “Ship To Wreck”
5. “Shine” by Dave Gahan & Soulsavers
Dave Gahan baring his soul amid a new (throwback, analog) musical backdrop.
Dave Gahan & Soulsavers Runner-Up: “All of This and Nothing”
6. “Pressure Off (feat. Janelle Monáe and Nile Rodgers)” by Duran Duran
Duran Duran working with Nile Rodgers again, set on making something infectiously catchy, stuck in my head like bubblegum on my shoes. They did it.
Duran Duran Runner-Up: “Paper Gods”
7. “Motel” by Meg Myers
I heard this one live prior to the album release, and knew it was a killer piece of music. The best (new) track off the new album.
Meg Myers Runner-Up: “Sorry”
8. “Tutti Frutti” by New Order
It’s like a long lost song from Technique, spruced up by everything they’ve learned about music in the past quarter of a century.
New Order Runner-Up: “Restless”
9. “Gasoline” by Halsey
Catchy, determined, interesting structure, contemporary lyrics, perfect pacing. This gasoline should take her far.
Halsey Runner-Up: “New Americana”
10. “What Went Down” by Foals
I heard this the first time live while shooting the “Not So Silent Night” festival. Usually doing photography I’m pretty caught up in that zone, but this song drew me in and I loved it.
Foals Runner-Up: “Mountain At My Gate”
Below are the rest of my Top 50 Songs, in alphabetical order…
All Is Well | Down and Outlaws | All Is Well – Single |
All of This and Nothing | Dave Gahan & Soulsavers | Angels & Ghosts |
Bros | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
California | Grimes | Art Angels |
Can’t Feel My Face | The Weeknd | Beauty Behind the Madness |
Celebrate | Metric | Pagans in Vegas |
Clearest Blue | CHVRCHES | Every Open Eye |
Criminals | MS MR | How Does It Feel |
Crystals | Of Monsters and Men | Beneath The Skin |
Dead Inside | Muse | Drones |
Deceptacon | Jessica Hernandez & The Deltas | Deceptacon / Don’t Take My Man To Idaho (Single) |
Evermore | KANEHOLLER | Vol. 3 (EP) |
First | Cold War Kids | Hold My Home |
Flesh without Blood | Grimes | Art Angels |
Fluffy | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
Freazy | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
Giant Peach | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
Glory | Jean-Michel Jarre & M83 | Glory (Single) |
The Human Touch | Howard Jones | Engage |
Hymn for the Weekend | Coldplay | A Head Full of Dreams |
Kill V. Maim | Grimes | Art Angels |
Last Night in the City (feat. Kiesza) | Duran Duran | Paper Gods |
Lean On (feat. MØ & DJ Snake) | Major Lazer | Peace Is The Mission |
Let It Happen | Tame Impala | Currents |
Mountain At My Gates | Foals | What Went Down |
Never Ending Circles | CHVRCHES | Every Open Eye |
New Americana | Halsey | BADLANDS |
Our Own House | MisterWives | Our Own House |
Paper Games | KANEHOLLER | Vol. 3 (EP) |
Paper Gods (feat. Mr Hudson) | Duran Duran | Paper Gods |
Psycho | Muse | Drones |
Recreational Love | The Bird and the Bee | Recreational Love |
Restless | New Order | Music Complete |
Roots | Imagine Dragons | Roots (Single) |
Ship To Wreck | Florence + The Machine | How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful |
Silk | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
Singularity | New Order | Music Complete |
Sorry | Meg Myers | Sorry |
Stressed Out | twenty one pilots | Blurryface |
Turn To Dust | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
The Wonderwhy | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
Your Loves Whore | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |
You’re a Germ | Wolf Alice | My Love Is Cool |

Full Rock Subculture Journal 2015 Concert Review Listing
Friday, January 2nd
The English Beat
Ace of Spaces in Sacramento, California
– Concert Photos & 2015 Preview Here
Friday, January 16th
Down and Outlaws
The Press Club in Monterey, California
– Concert Review and Photos Here
Friday, January 23rd
The Ting Tings
Popscene at Rickshaw Stop in San Francisco, California
Saturday, January 24th
The Ting Tings
Harlow’s Restaurant and Nightclub in Sacramento, California
Friday, January 30th
Air Supply
Thunder Valley Casino Resort in Lincoln, California
Saturday, January 31st
80’s Rewind: Information Society and Book of Love
Thunder Valley Casino Resort in Lincoln, California
Friday, February 13th
The Lovemakers
Rickshaw Stop in San Francisco, California
Friday, February 27th
Jefferson Starship
The Center for The Arts in Grass Valley, California
Saturday, March 7th
The Regency Ballroom in San Francisco, California
Thursday, March 13th
Wolf Alice
Popscene at Rickshaw Stop in San Francisco, California
Monday, March 16th
Kristin Hersh
City Winery Napa in Napa, California
Thursday, March 19th
Clan of Xymox
DNA Lounge in San Francisco, California
Sunday, March 22nd
Colin Hay
Crest Theatre in Sacramento, California
Wednesday, April 8th
Florence + The Machine
The Masonic in San Francisco, California
Thursday, April 9th
Florence + The Machine
The Masonic in San Francisco, California
Wednesday, April 15th – Sunday, April 19th
Star Wars Celebration
Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California
– See Coverage On My Original Prop Blog Site
Thursday, May 7th
Popscene at Rickshaw Stop in San Francisco, California
Wednesday, May 13th
Howard Jones
Harlow’s Restaurant and Nightclub in Sacramento, California
Thursday, May 14th
Wolf Alice
The Independent in San Francisco, California
Thursday, June 4th
The Independent in San Francisco, California
Friday, June 5th
Meg Myers
The Boardwalk in Orangevale, California
Saturday, June 6th
Live 105’s BFD 2015 (Modest Mouse, Death from Above 1979, Of Monsters and Men, Panic! At the Disco, Cold War Kids, Atlas Genius, and dozens more)
Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California
Saturday, June 13th
The Doobie Brothers
Ironstone Amphitheatre in Murphys, California
Tuesday, June 16th
Eddie Izzard
Sacramento Community Center Theater in Sacramento, California
Saturday, June 27th
Martin Gore of Depeche Mode (DJ Set)
SOhO Restaurant and Music Club in Santa Barbara, California
Friday, July 3rd
Aerosmith (Blue Army Tour)
Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at Harvey’s in Stateline, Nevada
Wednesday, July 8th – Sunday, July 12th
Comic-Con International 2014: San Diego
San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California
Saturday, July 18th
Dale Bozzio, Missing Persons and Clive Farrington, When In Rome
The Kaman Bar in Laguna Niguel, California
Thursday, July 23rd
Charli XCX & Bleachers (Chari & Jack Do America)
Fox Theater in Oakland, California
Saturday, July 25th
San Jose Event Center in San Jose, California
Friday, July 31st
Huey Lewis & The News with Eddie Money
Thunder Valley Casino Resort in Lincoln, California
Saturday, August 1st
Steve Miller Band
Ironstone Amphitheatre in Murphys, California
Friday, August 7th
Billy Idol
Grand Sierra Theatre in Reno, Nevada
Thursday, August 13th
The Band Perry
Ironstone Amphitheatre in Murphys, California
Saturday, August 15th
The B-52s
Humphrey’s Concerts in San Diego, California
– attended but not reviewed (photo pass mix up) – excellent show
Wednesday, August 26th
Mountain Winery in Saratoga, California
Thursday, August 27th
Hall & Oates
Ironstone Amphitheatre in Murphys, California
Sunday, August 30th
“Weird Al” Yankovic
Harris Center in Folsom, California
Friday, September 18th
Thunder Valley Casino Resort in Lincoln, California
Friday, September 25th
Duran Duran
Grand Sierra Resort & Casino in Reno, Nevada
Wednesday, October 7th
Fox Theater in Oakland, California
Thursday, October 8th
English Beat
City Winery Napa in Napa, California
Friday, October 9th
Howard Jones
City Winery Napa in Napa, California
Thursday, October 15th
Wolf Alice
The Chapel in San Francisco, California
Monday, October 19th
Dave Gahan & Soulsavers
The Theatre at Ace Hotel in Los Angeles, California
Wednesday, October 28th
The Bird and the Bee
Social Hall in San Francisco, California
Friday, December 11th
Not So Silent Night (Weezer, Death Cab For Cutie, Bastille, Halsey, Silversun Pickups, Chvrches, Foals, and X-Ambassadors)
Oracle Arena in Oakland, California
Tuesday, December 29th
The Masonic in San Francisco, California
– Concert Preview & Tour Info Here
Jason DeBord
(916) 813-1797
[email protected]